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Formlabs propose actuellement deux matériaux pour produire des gouttières. Dental LT Clear Resin est un matériau résistant aux cassures, idéal pour fabriquer des gouttières et des protections occlusales rigides et durables. Dental LT Comfort Resin est un matériau résistant qui permet de fabriquer des gouttières occlusales, des appareils de nuit et des plateaux de blanchiment flexibles, confortables et durables. Les deux matériaux peuvent être facilement polis pour atteindre une grande transparence optique et résistent à la décoloration au fil du temps.

Ce guide d'application présente chaque étape permettant d'imprimer en 3D des gouttières grâce aux imprimantes 3D SLA Formlabs. Suivez la procédure de travail suivante pour garantir des résultats précis.

Form 4B de Formlabs

Équipement et matériaux nécessaires

Fabriquées par Formlabs :
  • Imprimante 3D Form 4B
  • Bac à résine de la Form 4 et mélangeur de la Form 4
  • Form 4 Build Platform ou Form 4 Build Platform Flex
  • Precision Model Resin
  • Form Wash
  • Unité de polymérisation validée par Formlabs : Form Cure, Form Cure L ou Fast Cure
  • Form 4 Finishing Kit ou station de lavage secondaire
Produits par des tiers :
  • Cutting and finishing tools:
    • Dry lubricant powder (talcum / baby powder / PTFE powder) (highly recommended)
    • Sandpaper (recommended)
    • Soft brush (recommended)
    • Tool for pushing die out (recommended)
    • Various burrs for removing excess resin and touchpoints of supports (adapt to your own preferences)
    • Occlusion paper (optional)
  • Desktop scanner (if physical impression or model)

Logiciels nécessaires

Fabriquées par Formlabs :

Dernières versions de PreForm et du firmware

Produits par des tiers :

Logiciel de modélisation (CAO) dentaire ou sous-traitance à un prestataire

2. Conception

Accuracy in printed models forms the foundation for subsequent restoration work. Any errors in the models can directly impact the precision of the restorations.

Restorative models, in particular, demand the highest level of accuracy, unlike models used for thermoforming or similar applications. Accuracy is widely recognized as more critical than speed and reliability. Formlabs’ Form 4B 3D printer, used with Precision Model Resin, excels by delivering high accuracy, speed, and reliability, effectively meeting these three requirements.

In a detailed assessment comparing the accuracy of plaster models and 3D printed models made with Precision Model Resin, we found that 3D printed models are comparable to traditional methods due to the accuracy of the Form 4B and the accuracy of Precision Model Resin. Learn more about how this accuracy calculation was conducted for Precision Model Resin here.

Accuracy of Precision Model

Precision Model Resin printed on Form 4B
Comparator #1
DentaModel printed on Asiga UV Max
Comparator #2
Die and Model 2 printed on SprintRay
Tolérance de +/- 100 μm99,999,790,4
Tolérance de +/- 50 μm97,491,362,0
Tolérance +/- 25 μm75,762,8-

Note: Parts printed at 50 μm layer height. 

3D Printed Precision Model Resin Dental Models Meet the Requirements for Restorative Applications

Accuracy in printed models forms the foundation for subsequent restoration work. Any errors in the models can directly impact the precision of the restorations.

Restorative models, in particular, demand the highest level of accuracy, unlike models used for thermoforming or similar applications. Accuracy is widely recognized as more critical than speed and reliability. Formlabs’ Form 4B 3D printer, used with Precision Model Resin, excels by delivering high accuracy, speed, and reliability, effectively meeting these three requirements.

In a detailed assessment comparing the accuracy of plaster models and 3D printed models made with Precision Model, we found that 3D printed models are comparable to traditional methods due to the accuracy of the Form 4B and the accuracy of Precision Model Resin. Learn more about how this accuracy calculation was conducted for Precision Model Resin here.

Accuracy of Precision Model

  • Structure: Models can be either solid or hollow.

  • Dies: Options include designs with removable dies or fixed preparations, with the option to add extra dies as needed. See below for Formlabs guidelines on removable dies.

  • Geometry:

    • 3Shape: Typically features square-shaped dies with slight conicity and friction bars, enhancing fit and placement by default.

    • exocad: Defaults to parallel-walled dies that closely follow the margin line for a consistent fit.

  • Additional Options:

    • Both 3Shape and exocad support ejection pins and control holes, which are used for visual confirmation of proper seating.

    • Both 3Shape and exocad support conical die shapes for easy insertion.

*We differentiate between plateless (similar to the above-mentioned “alveolar model”) and plate models with cut sections. Plate models are not well suited for 3D printing due to their positioning geometry on the bottom of the model base.

Accuracy of Precision Model

We recommend printing directly on the build platform to take advantage of its benefits:

  1. Support and Accuracy: The build platform provides the best support structure available in 3D printing, leading to the highest accuracy due to stable printing conditions.

  2. Efficiency: With the model parallel to the build platform, there is no need for a raft or additional support structures. This results in fewer layers to print, which not only speeds up the printing process, but also reduces resin consumption.

Printing a model directly on the build platform is considered best practice, however, when paired with removable dies or implant analog slots, it can result in suction cups in your 3D print. 

How To Avoid Suction Cups With Draining Holes

A suction cup in 3D printing is an area where resin cannot flow freely because it is enclosed by the model walls. This occurs in features like removable die slots, implant analog slots, or due to the model's shape.* The movement of the build platform during printing creates a pump effect, pressurizing and depressurizing the trapped resin, which can negatively impact accuracy.

By adding draining holes, this pressurization effect is neutralized, enhancing the print's accuracy. While Form 4B is less prone to accuracy loss or severe print issues, adding holes at each slot at the base level of the model remains the best practice. Both 3Shape and exocad have options for drain holes in their modeling software, and detailed instructions are available here.

For implant analog slots, we highly recommended that drain holes be added. In addition to eliminating suction cups, a hole at the implant analog slot will enable you to visually inspect the proper seating of the analog. In this case, both for exocad and 3Shape, these holes need to be designed manually. 

*Hollow models are not recommended for maintaining the highest accuracy. However, when printing hollow, draining holes are crucial to avoiding suction cups and minimize distortion.

Accuracy of Precision Model

A suction cup in 3D printing is an area where resin cannot flow freely because it is enclosed by the model walls. This occurs in features like removable die slots, implant analog slots, or due to the model's shape.* The movement of the build platform during printing creates a pump effect, pressurizing and depressurizing the trapped resin, which can negatively impact accuracy.

By adding draining holes, this pressurization effect is neutralized, enhancing the print's accuracy. While Form 4B is less prone to accuracy loss or severe print issues, adding holes at each slot at the base level of the model remains the best practice. Both 3Shape and exocad have options for drain holes in their modeling software, and detailed instructions are available here.

For implant analog slots, we highly recommended that drain holes be added. In addition to eliminating suction cups, a hole at the implant analog slot will enable you to visually inspect the proper seating of the analog. In this case, both for exocad and 3Shape, these holes need to be designed manually. 

*Hollow models are not recommended for maintaining the highest accuracy. However, when printing hollow, draining holes are crucial to avoiding suction cups and minimize distortion.

Dies produced with Formlabs presets side by side. 3Shape die on the left, exocad die on the right.

How To Avoid Suction Cups With Draining Holes

  • Conical dies are easier to insert and user-friendly, although they may present challenges in achieving a tight fit. 

  • Parallel walls provide even friction along the die, improving stability, but can be more difficult to insert and pose a risk of misalignment.

How To Avoid Suction Cups With Draining Holes

  • Conical dies are easier to insert and user-friendly, although they may present challenges in achieving a tight fit. 

  • Parallel walls provide even friction along the die, improving stability, but can be more difficult to insert and pose a risk of misalignment.

How To Avoid Suction Cups With Draining Holes

A suction cup in 3D printing is an area where resin cannot flow freely because it is enclosed by the model walls. This occurs in features like removable die slots, implant analog slots, or due to the model's shape.* The movement of the build platform during printing creates a pump effect, pressurizing and depressurizing the trapped resin, which can negatively impact accuracy.

By adding draining holes, this pressurization effect is neutralized, enhancing the print's accuracy. While Form 4B is less prone to accuracy loss or severe print issues, adding holes at each slot at the base level of the model remains the best practice. Both 3Shape and exocad have options for drain holes in their modeling software, and detailed instructions are available here.

For implant analog slots, we highly recommended that drain holes be added. In addition to eliminating suction cups, a hole at the implant analog slot will enable you to visually inspect the proper seating of the analog. In this case, both for exocad and 3Shape, these holes need to be designed manually. 

*Hollow models are not recommended for maintaining the highest accuracy. However, when printing hollow, draining holes are crucial to avoiding suction cups and minimize distortion.

Dies produced with Formlabs presets side by side. 3Shape die on the left, exocad die on the right.

How To Avoid Suction Cups With Draining Holes

A suction cup in 3D printing is an area where resin cannot flow freely because it is enclosed by the model walls. This occurs in features like removable die slots, implant analog slots, or due to the model's shape.* The movement of the build platform during printing creates a pump effect, pressurizing and depressurizing the trapped resin, which can negatively impact accuracy.

By adding draining holes, this pressurization effect is neutralized, enhancing the print's accuracy. While Form 4B is less prone to accuracy loss or severe print issues, adding holes at each slot at the base level of the model remains the best practice. Both 3Shape and exocad have options for drain holes in their modeling software, and detailed instructions are available here.

For implant analog slots, we highly recommended that drain holes be added. In addition to eliminating suction cups, a hole at the implant analog slot will enable you to visually inspect the proper seating of the analog. In this case, both for exocad and 3Shape, these holes need to be designed manually. 

*Hollow models are not recommended for maintaining the highest accuracy. However, when printing hollow, draining holes are crucial to avoiding suction cups and minimize distortion.

Dies produced with Formlabs presets side by side. 3Shape die on the left, exocad die on the right.

Accuracy of Precision Model

Implant models are a special case in model design requiring high accuracy and a high degree of fit. 

Below we provide guidelines to maximize fit when designing implant models for 3D printing with Formlabs Precision Model Resin.

How To Avoid Suction Cups With Draining Holes

A suction cup in 3D printing is an area where resin cannot flow freely because it is enclosed by the model walls. This occurs in features like removable die slots, implant analog slots, or due to the model's shape.* The movement of the build platform during printing creates a pump effect, pressurizing and depressurizing the trapped resin, which can negatively impact accuracy.

By adding draining holes, this pressurization effect is neutralized, enhancing the print's accuracy. While Form 4B is less prone to accuracy loss or severe print issues, adding holes at each slot at the base level of the model remains the best practice. Both 3Shape and exocad have options for drain holes in their modeling software, and detailed instructions are available here.

For implant analog slots, we highly recommended that drain holes be added. In addition to eliminating suction cups, a hole at the implant analog slot will enable you to visually inspect the proper seating of the analog. In this case, both for exocad and 3Shape, these holes need to be designed manually. 

*Hollow models are not recommended for maintaining the highest accuracy. However, when printing hollow, draining holes are crucial to avoiding suction cups and minimize distortion.

Dies produced with Formlabs presets side by side. 3Shape die on the left, exocad die on the right.

How To Avoid Suction Cups With Draining Holes

Implant models are a special case in model design requiring high accuracy and a high degree of fit. 

Below we provide guidelines to maximize fit when designing implant models for 3D printing with Formlabs Precision Model Resin.

OffsetFriction bar overlap
exocadClick-in type0.060 mmN/A
Screw-type0.010 mmN/A
3ShapeClick-in type0.060 mm0.010 mm
Screw-type0.010 mm0.010 mm

Implant models are a special case in model design requiring high accuracy and a high degree of fit. 

Below we provide guidelines to maximize fit when designing implant models for 3D printing with Formlabs Precision Model Resin.

Dies produced with Formlabs presets side by side. 3Shape die on the left, exocad die on the right.

2. Conception

2.1 Conception du dispositif

Find the model creator library for exocad for the Form 4B and Precision Model Resin here.

Find the model builder library for 3Shape Dental System here.

2.1 Conception du dispositif


1. The exocad file comes in a zip folder. Extract the files from the zip folder.
2. Place the settings file “FORMLABS Form 4B Precision Model.XML” into [your exocad installation path]/DentalCADApp/library/production
3. Place the settings folder “FORMLABS Form 4 Plateless Model” into [your exocad installation path]/DentalCADApp/library/modelcreator/plates


The 3Shape DME file should be imported into your system using the Control Panel Application.

2.1 Conception du dispositif


1. The exocad file comes in a zip folder. Extract the files from the zip folder.
2. Place the settings file “FORMLABS Form 4B Precision Model.XML” into [your exocad installation path]/DentalCADApp/library/production
3. Place the settings folder “FORMLABS Form 4 Plateless Model” into [your exocad installation path]/DentalCADApp/library/modelcreator/plates


The 3Shape DME file should be imported into your system using the Control Panel Application.

Summary of Removable Die Settings
Model / die offset0.000 to - 0.015 mm
Recommend die slot depth≥ 15 mm
Maximum angulation recommended+/- 15° from Z axis
Taper if applicable
Implant Analog-to-Model OffsetsSee the "Recommended Analog-to-Model Offsets" section

3. Impression

3.1 Importation du ou des fichiers

Suivez les instructions pour activer l'espace de travail dentaire pour PreForm. Ouvrez PreForm et configurez votre tâche d'impression de gouttière à l'aide d'un préréglage adéquat. Vous trouverez des instructions ici à propos de :

  • Comment activer et utiliser l'espace de travail dentaire de PreForm

  • Comment créer un préréglage

L'espace de travail dentaire de PreForm se chargera d'importer, d'orienter et de soutenir votre gouttière de manière optimale.

Suivez les instructions pour activer l'espace de travail dentaire pour PreForm. Ouvrez PreForm et configurez votre tâche d'impression de gouttière à l'aide d'un préréglage adéquat. Vous trouverez des instructions ici à propos de :

  • Comment activer et utiliser l'espace de travail dentaire de PreForm

  • Comment créer un préréglage

L'espace de travail dentaire de PreForm se chargera d'importer, d'orienter et de soutenir votre gouttière de manière optimale.

Suivez les instructions pour activer l'espace de travail dentaire pour PreForm. Ouvrez PreForm et configurez votre tâche d'impression de gouttière à l'aide d'un préréglage adéquat. Vous trouverez des instructions ici à propos de :

  • Comment activer et utiliser l'espace de travail dentaire de PreForm

  • Comment créer un préréglage

L'espace de travail dentaire de PreForm se chargera d'importer, d'orienter et de soutenir votre gouttière de manière optimale.

3.2 Ajuster les points de contact

The post-processing recommendations for Precision Model Resin are:
Lavage5 min in the Form Wash
Drying30 min dry time on the bench
or blow dry with compressed air after taking parts out of the wash and then let dry for an additional 15 min
Polymérisation5 min at 35 °C in the Form Cure
or 30 sec at Intensity 2 in the Fast Cure

Dos and Don’ts When Post-Processing

  • Never use brushes or other tools for cleaning. When parts come out of the Form Wash, they are soft, and you might lose accuracy for the model and, more importantly, on the die fit.

  • If you have access to compressed air for blow-drying the parts after washing, blow-dry parts immediately after taking them out of the wash while the parts are still wet. This prevents dissolved resin residue in the IPA from settling on the objects and affecting accuracy.

Dos and Don’ts When Post-Processing

  • Never use brushes or other tools for cleaning. When parts come out of the Form Wash, they are soft, and you might lose accuracy for the model and, more importantly, on the die fit.

  • If you have access to compressed air for blow-drying the parts after washing, blow-dry parts immediately after taking them out of the wash while the parts are still wet. This prevents dissolved resin residue in the IPA from settling on the objects and affecting accuracy.

Dos and Don’ts When Post-Processing

  • Never use brushes or other tools for cleaning. When parts come out of the Form Wash, they are soft, and you might lose accuracy for the model and, more importantly, on the die fit.

  • If you have access to compressed air for blow-drying the parts after washing, blow-dry parts immediately after taking them out of the wash while the parts are still wet. This prevents dissolved resin residue in the IPA from settling on the objects and affecting accuracy.

3.3 Agencement

Dos and Don’ts When Post-Processing

AOcclusion paper (optional)
BSandpaper (recommended)
CSoft brush (recommended)
D, E, FVarious burs for removing excess resin and touchpoints of supports (adapt to your own preferences)
GTool for pushing die out (recommended)
HDry lubricant powder (talcum / baby powder / PTFE powder) (highly recommended)

Dos and Don’ts When Post-Processing

  • Never use brushes or other tools for cleaning. When parts come out of the Form Wash, they are soft, and you might lose accuracy for the model and, more importantly, on the die fit.

  • If you have access to compressed air for blow-drying the parts after washing, blow-dry parts immediately after taking them out of the wash while the parts are still wet. This prevents dissolved resin residue in the IPA from settling on the objects and affecting accuracy.

Suivez les instructions pour activer l'espace de travail dentaire pour PreForm. Ouvrez PreForm et configurez votre tâche d'impression de gouttière à l'aide d'un préréglage adéquat. Vous trouverez des instructions ici à propos de :

  • Comment activer et utiliser l'espace de travail dentaire de PreForm

  • Comment créer un préréglage

L'espace de travail dentaire de PreForm se chargera d'importer, d'orienter et de soutenir votre gouttière de manière optimale.

Dos and Don’ts When Post-Processing

Suivez les instructions pour activer l'espace de travail dentaire pour PreForm. Ouvrez PreForm et configurez votre tâche d'impression de gouttière à l'aide d'un préréglage adéquat. Vous trouverez des instructions ici à propos de :

  • Comment activer et utiliser l'espace de travail dentaire de PreForm

  • Comment créer un préréglage

L'espace de travail dentaire de PreForm se chargera d'importer, d'orienter et de soutenir votre gouttière de manière optimale.

Use talcum for easier insertion and protection of the die.

3.4 Envoi de la tâche à l'imprimante

Formlabs provides a validated set of working removable die settings for ease of use and consistency. However, it is also possible to adjust these settings to individualize the fit for your application. See below how to modify the settings:

Die is too looseDecrease the horizontal gap in your model design by 10 µm.
Example: Actual die gap = 0.000 mm
New die gap = -0.010 mm
Die is too tightIncrease the horizontal gap in your model design by 10 µm.
Example: Actual die gap = 0.000 mm
New die gap = 0.010 mm

Envoyez la tâche d’impression à l’imprimante en cliquant sur l’icône d’imprimante orange à gauche de l’écran.

La boîte de dialogue « Print » (Imprimer) apparaîtra. Cliquez sur le bouton orange « Print Now » (Imprimer maintenant) pour envoyer la tâche à l’imprimante.

L'affichage de l'un ou l'autre bouton dans cette boîte de dialogue dépend de la configuration actuelle de l'imprimante sélectionnée.

4. Post-traitement


Envoyez la tâche d’impression à l’imprimante en cliquant sur l’icône d’imprimante orange à gauche de l’écran.

La boîte de dialogue « Print » (Imprimer) apparaîtra. Cliquez sur le bouton orange « Print Now » (Imprimer maintenant) pour envoyer la tâche à l’imprimante.

L'affichage de l'un ou l'autre bouton dans cette boîte de dialogue dépend de la configuration actuelle de l'imprimante sélectionnée.



  1. L'opération de lavage de la pièce imprimée avec un solvant doit s'effectuer dans un environnement correctement ventilé et avec des masques et des gants de protection adaptés.
  2. La résine périmée ou inutilisée doit être éliminée conformément à la réglementation locale.
  3. L’alcool isopropylique doit être éliminé conformément à la réglementation locale.
  4. Utilisez un dispositif de lavage spécifique pour les pièces biocompatibles afin d'éviter toute contamination.

Placez les pièces imprimées dans une Form Wash ou Form Wash L remplie d'alcool isopropylique (IPA) et lavez-les en respectant le temps de lavage recommandé (Dental LT Clear Resin V2, Dental LT Comfort Resin) pour le matériau de votre gouttière.

For implant analog drain holes, exocad provides a library for this purpose, which can be found during the attachment step in Model Creator:

  1. Select the “Lab Analog - Cutout to check seating” attachment.

  2. Place the hole in the model. Placement of the hole should be at a location that allows visualization of the seating of the analog without affecting the security of the analog position.

Ressources supplémentaires

Explorez les ressources dentaires de Formlabs pour consulter des guides détaillés, des tutoriels pas-à-pas, des livres blancs, des webinaires, etc.