Optimize Precision in Physical Impressions
Leverage the efficiency of digital technology to optimize precision in physical impressions with 3D printed custom trays. Achieve the highest quality with definitive models.

Repeatable Results

Efficient, Clean Workflow

Achieve Accurate Impressions

Attain Positive ROI in Weeks
Print four custom trays in 48 minutes on Form 4B using 100 micron layer heights for a cost of $4-6 each.
Custom Tray Resin is a fast-printing biocompatible material used to directly 3D print custom impression trays for implants, dentures, crowns and bridges, and other comprehensive cases.
Easy to Start, Easy to Delegate, Easy to Scale
Custom impression trays are exceptionally easy appliances to design, with intuitive workflows. Gain efficiency by leveraging digital technology for custom tray production and automate simple tasks with digital design and fabrication.




Print Trays With a Fully Validated System for an Easy Workflow
Digitally manufactured impression trays provide consistent, accurate impressions for high-quality dentistry. Our extensive validation and testing process makes sure your prints work every time: quick setup, no in-field calibration, and no messy resin handling.
Learn With Formlabs Dental Resources
Virtual seminars, lectures from leading practitioners, and short, helpful videos help you start faster and get the most out of your 3D printer.