Get in Touch With Us

Sales Inquiries

Please contact our sales team using the button below if you have any questions regarding our products.

LocationPhone Number
US+1 617 702 8476
EU+49 3091734306
DACH+49 3091734730
UK and IE+44 2045255876
France+33 805080354


Customer Support

If you have questions about using your printer, please give us a call or create a support ticket below.

Language (Region)Phone Number
English (North America)+1 617-214-3527
English (UK)+44 20 4579 3421
German (EU)+49 32221091733
French (EU)+33 970731561
Spanish (EU)+34 902018695
Italian (EU)+39 0694805587
Japanese (JP)+81 0345104483

Our Offices


Formlabs Inc.
35 Medford St. Suite 201
Somerville, MA 02143

European HQ

Formlabs GmbH
Funkhaus Berlin
Nalepastr. 18
12459 Berlin


Formlabs JAPAC Pte Ltd
3 Fusionopolis Way
Symbiosis Tower, 12-24
Singapore 138633