Why Choose Model Resin?
Model Resin enables dental professionals to print models in high volume, easily handle rush cases, and deliver highly-accurate custom fixed prosthetics and implants.
Produce models in high volume and easily handle rush cases.
Consistent and Reliable
Don’t spend time troubleshooting or redoing cases, get it right the first time.
Deliver high-quality results with models you can rely on.
Provide the patient and clinician the peace of mind they deserve.
Formlabs 3D printers can quickly produce high-quality solid models, removable die models, and implant analog models with crisp margins and contacts.
Consider Model Resin for:
Material Properties*
Model Resin
Ultimate Tensile Strength
Tensile Modulus
Flexural Modulus
Notched Izod
Heat Deflection Temp. @ 0.45 MPa
* Material properties may vary based on part geometry, print orientation, print settings, and temperature. Data for post-cured samples were measured on Type IV tensile bars printed on a Form 3 printer with 100 μm Model Resin settings, washed in a Form Wash for 10 minutes in ≥99% Isopropyl Alcohol, and post-cured at 60°C for 5 minutes in a Form Cure
Form Wash Settings
10 min in IPA
When using a single wash bucket, residue from previously washed parts deposits on part surfaces. If washing darker-colored materials like Black Resin in the same wash bucket as lighter-colored materials like White Resin or Clear Resin, some color transfer may occur.
Form Cure Settings
5 min
60 °C
There is only one recommended post-curing time for Model Resin V3.